Linda Marie

Linda Marie is a therapist, shop owner and anthropologist who delights in preserving artifacts and antiques of Americana! Visit us!

Family Roots May Actually Be Twisted!

….Our Family Roots may actually be more snarled than we can imagine.  One fact science has shown in plotting out DNA in lines of ascending strands backward through time is that we have all arrived via hereditary Perhaps that is why we like to get to know those around us?

Mother and Child!

Mother and Child!

The Most Interesting Stories May Not Be Written

When was the last event I attended with others gathered around and actually heard the story of another guest present?  Can I recap the story of five friends?  This week I will make it my project to hear the story of someone I meet.  I will reach out in interest and encouragement and record the story shared in my heart.

Listening to the English Gal's Story.

Listening to the English Gal’s Story.

To Deny One’s Past Impedes Self-Understanding!

Self-Understanding is Riding My Own Horse.

Self-Understanding is Riding My Own Horse.

To deny one’s past is to burn the bridge to our own self-understanding.

Remembering and forgiving one’s past misdeeds, angers, errors allows one to achieve self-understanding and to grab onto peace.

When to preform and when to listen?

…….I do not have turn-taking down myself yet. I seem to fall back on performing. Listening according to the Abbot Benedict is summarized as “Do not be the first to speak.” A challenge for the weekend.

I am not speaking first, waiting, waiting on you.

I am not speaking first, waiting, waiting on you.

Too busy waiting to jump in for my turn to hear!

…….We are looking and looking much of the time when we should be listening, not just watching are fellow for a chance to jump in with the next thought. Even a casual nod affirms the other fellow that he can make his own choice.  Listening.

Here I am performing to no particular end.

Here I am performing to no particular end.

Likely The Most Interesting Stories Are Not In Writing,

Waiting on family! Friends! To meet You.

Waiting on family! Friends! To meet You.

I think it likely that the most interesting stories are not written down, but are drawn upon the heart. Drawn with word pictures. No two stories are alike even among family members. Negotiating the intertwined roots of family enduringly binds us to each other with love such that we can then be family to others as come along side us in life.

Did You Bring Your Stories & Humor With You??!

Did you bring your stories and humor with you today when you answered your first call of the day or your first customer?

Humor and/or a little story or a little wit can be a great way for both parties to break into their day, or to right a lackluster start. Keep a story in mind, share something funny. Go for it!  Watch your day take off. Get jazzed!

Put this paperweight on your desk-look he's got the Golden Egg!

Put this paperweight on your desk-look he’s got the Golden Egg!

Parents Are Misunderstood!?

To be a parent, I suspect, is to be misunderstood. What is important, however, is that we do the best we can and live through the rest – forgiving others and forgiving ourselves.  Always forgiving, least we wrap our own hurts in pretty gift paper filling our arms so full of our own unshed hurts that we can not see the burdens that others are carrying. lms

Parents doing the best they can

Parents doing the best they can

Life Journey Into Old Age, Will I Find “Senior Grace?”

As I continue on my life journey into old age, I have more moments to wonder about those who traveled before us. I ponder what I actually know for certain about journeying.  Perhaps, to see how limited our apprehension of certainty allows us to wonder, to take another step on the road of life. This, I think, might define what is “Senior Grace.”

Senior Grace typifies journeying in late life.

Senior Grace typifies journeying in late life.